One Day Wonders

OliviaMy niece went home with my sister on Monday & now I can't stop knitting baby stuff. Isn't she adorable! Last night I cast on this little sweater. And by the end of the evening it was all knit up. I couldn't believe how quickly it went.

The pattern is Inca-Dincadoo Cardigan from Luxury Yarn One Skein Wonders. The pattern calls for organic cotton, but I used this lovely bamboo yarn & some funky sparkly pink eyelash yarn instead. I love how it turned out.

This morning I got up & sewed up the seams. And tada, we have a sweater!

red & baby sweater 026 red & baby sweater 030 red & baby sweater 033

Now I need to go shopping for cute little buttons. Oh, and I am also casting on another sweater. This time I am using our sock yarn in Lizard Breath, which is also available in our sea cell & merino sock yarn. For reasons I probably shouldn't share with the world, it reminds me of my sister & I absolutely have to knit it into a baby sweater for my niece.
