Merry Christmas From Anzula

This is the time of year when we tend to find ourselves repeating patterns of Christmasses past, some of them are so engrained in the way we celebrate that we do them without even having to think about, "Wait, what is that thing we do now?"

I asked a few of the staff at the Anzula warehouse to share their Christmas traditions with me, and they were so wonderful I had to share them here.

From Kelly, one of the dyers:

My son, Charley, and I make baked goods to share with our friends and family. I always did this with my mom and Grandma so I love passing this tradition down to my son. We love the time we spend together baking and the joy it brings to share that with others.

sugar cookies

This year we made sugar cookies and potica.


The potica is a sweet dessert bread that I learned how to make from my Grandma and that is a traditional Slovenian holiday treat.

From Sylvia, reskeiner and the reason we have a colorway named "Chiva":


Every year I take them to target to pick out an ornament for the tree. Our ornament collection is growing and when they are older and have a family of their own I may give them each their own ornaments for their tree.... Or I may keep it for me! This years was minion and head phones (for the cooler kid) each ornament they pick I make sure to write their name with year. 

Myself, Anzula blogger and beggar of scrap yarn:


We're a really sentimental lot in my family. When my grandmother Dorothy passed away the day after Christmas three years ago it felt like the world stopped spinning. Since then, my sister and I have found little ways to keep her traditions strong in our family so that we can remember her—especially during Christmas, which she loved. This is a photo from last night—Christmas Eve. My sister (the alien one who can make entire afghans in about 15 seconds, with her arms tied and eyes closed) found a Tupperware that exactly matches the one our grandmother kept her cookies in, above the fridge. She surprised us all with some family favorites in the familiar green container and I pretty much ate my own weight in Jell-o cookies, a recipe from our great-grandmother Mollie on the other side of the family. Also pictured, my daughters Dorothy and Mollie. Because my sister keeps family traditions alive by baking. I apparently just have children and name them after people.

May your skeins be merry and bright, and may all your Christmas gifts be yarny delights!

From our Anzula family to yours, we wish you the merriest. 
