Pattern Roundup: Hats, hats, hats!
It's getting late in the year, which means we're quickly approaching a slew of gift giving holidays. And you're probably realizing that you should have started knitting and crocheting gifts in January in order have something for everyone on your list off the needles/hook, washed, blocked, and if you're really good, dry and wrapped in pretty paper.
One of my favorite gifts to give is hats. Soft hats. Ones that people will actually wear because they don't feel itchy. Washable hats, because you know it doesn't matter how you much you label/instruct/beg, people are gonna throw that thing in the washer. And most importantly, hats that are than any hat the receiver has or will ever have, because it's hand made with beautiful yarn. As a bonus, most hats only take a couple hundred yards, require little blocking, and are quick to make.
Here are a bunch of my favorites!
Owl In the Thicket Hat by Sara Burch
Oak Way by Taiga Hilliard
Fiona Hat and Fingerless Mitts by Mary Beth Temple
Sour Hat by Stephannie Tallent
Alexin by Janet Brani
Kara-Kum by Faina Goberstein
North Lyme by Woolly Wormhead
Cosset by Jennifer Raymond
Raleigh Brin Hat by Gina Kanouse
Tekstur by Angela Tong
Dear Baby Francis by Carrie Sullivan
Fractals Hat by Olga Buraya-Kefelian
Tectonic Hat by Benjamin Krudwig (There's a knit version too!)
Winnimere by Becky Herrick
Cinnamon Sticks Hat by Lindsey Stephens
St Jean des Briques Tam by Mona Zillah
Cables n' Lace Hat by Kalliopi Aronis
Barry by Lee Meredith
I know, it's a lot of hats. And if you can believe it, there are even more. Here's a link to all the great hats designed for Anzula yarns - Anzula Hat Land.
Do you have a huge gift list to fill? What are you planning to make? Tell us all about it in the comments below!